Integrated investment & asset management capabilities

We manage a diversified portfolio of properties and a wide variety of crops.

We seek risk adjusted investments in agricultural land opportunities in the Iberian Peninsula


Lined with an asset allocation profile that aims for diversification and profitability through income and asset appreciation, while executing a broad range of asset management services on the ground.

Investment Profile


Portfolio Growth

Acquisition of individual assets.
Portfolio build-ups through the constitution of investment platforms or Joint-Ventures.


Add Value and Opportunities

Value add and opportunistic assets, requiring significant asset and development management, and presenting attractive agricultural use characteristics.


Portfolio Diversity

Diversified portfolio of properties across a variety of crops and asset development stages (greenfield & brownfield), with a distinct risk/return proposition.


Leverage Market Inefficiencies

Focus on complex, off-market or bilaterally-negotiated transactions, illiquid assets and/or special situations.

Asset Management Capabilities


Sourcing and Execution

We source proprietary investments for our clients and manage acquisitions from opportunity generation to closing, identifying and measuring risks through a strict Due diligence process.

Budgeting/ Planning

Our execution capabilities are complemented by a detailed budgeting process, ensuring a smooth transitioning of operations and a lean reorganisation of farm-level activities.

Farm Management

We address the inefficiencies identified during the DD process to improve production and commercial management of our properties, while abiding by the strictest ESG criteria and sustainable farming practices.


We ensure the day-to-day operation of the properties and oversee the work of third-party providers, including entering into contracts and dealing with all applicable correspondence.

Asset Disposal

We manage the disposal of assets to ensure a timely exit at the best possible price under prevailing market conditions, while mitigating investment risk with off-take agreements.